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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      Figured it out and got it fixed on my own thanks. This video helped.
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      I plugged the level control module in. compressor turns on and stays on now (until it shuts off I'm assuming for heat reasons), then...
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      just got my used level control module in the mail. I thought I could use the tech 2 to reprogram it but it seems I need something else...
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      carrmann reacted to petethepug's post in the thread 07 XL Denali with Like Like.
      Bummer, I was hoping for an easy diagnostic win like shaking it and hearing cracker jacks.
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      nah, it seems to be sealed. just the mount was broken off. so it was just the silver part and the connector.
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      I pulled it down, cleaned connections etc. No change after that. The module is supposed to be riveted to to a mount, the rivets failed...
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      carrmann reacted to Doubeleive's post in the thread 07 XL Denali with Like Like.
      The % is how much the shock is activated while driving to compensate for the road conditions, so when say you hit a small pothole or a...
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      So the rear shocks should show 0% when I'm not driving essentially? I'm suspecting the level control module as well now. This is...
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      I will check that when I get a chance to lift it up and get underneath lol. I did mess it with it some more today. I jumped the relay...
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      carrmann reacted to Doubeleive's post in the thread 07 XL Denali with Like Like.
      there is a level control module also check that. it should be up under the frame in the rear, if you google a little you will see where...
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      No idea on the current. Thank you, I will try and give that a shot
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      connection at the pump looks close to perfect considering 168k miles. I'm going to try and jump the relay in the next day or two, see...
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      They both work with 12v applied directly The original does not
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      carrmann replied to the thread 07 XL Denali.
      Well, picked up a new unit (dorman). Doesn't work at all. No self test, exh valve and compressor don't do anything via tech 2.
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