random misfire

  1. T

    07 Chevy tahoe Engine misfire trouble

    On my 2007 Chevy Tahoe I’ve been getting a random misfire P300 code on cylinder 4 sometimes it will randomly throw a misfire on two and three, but this has been happening for a while now. I have changed the spark plugs, coil packs, coil pack wires, got a new ECU change both upstream and...
  2. Jeremiah_Yukon02

    2002 GMC Yukon Random Cylinder Misfire (P0300)

    alright guys i just installed new injectors (OEM) and now my truck has a random cylinder misfire (P0300) under hard acceleration and at idle sometimes, I've heard that it could be fixed with a camshaft position sensor relearn but i'm not exactly sure and honestly i don't have the money to throw...
  3. M

    07 yukon 5.3l flex p0300 after lots of money spent.

    I have an 07 yukon 5.3l flex fuel with 195,000 miles. I know the P0300 code has been addressed a lot but mine may take the cake and I’m lost. I spend $4800 to have lifters replaced by certified mechanics. Heads were milled and the repair was done correctly. I had 2 lifters go bad and had...
  4. G

    P300 code while driving

    I have a 1999 Yukon with just under 310,000 miles on it. The other day I was driving it and it was running fine. I stopped at a red light. When the light turned green I stepped on the gas and the engine began running very roughly. I managed to get it home. When I started it the next day the...
  5. B

    Misfire on Cylinders 1 & 8

    Hello everyone, I have been chasing a misfire issue in Cylinders 1 & 8. The vehicle is a 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe 5.3 Flex Fuel, 2WD with 173k miles. The only engine code is P0300. So far, i have replaced spark plugs, wires, swapped coils (no change), replaced injectors, and fuel pressure...
  6. Cornelius

    Chasing a P0300

    Long time lurker, seldom poster here. 2003 Yukon, 5.3l, 4wd, 215k A few months ago it popped a p0300 It runs fine, pleanty of power, good throttle response, no other codes except for the p0300 I'm starting to run out of inexpensive parts to throw at it, and so far what I've done is what is...

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