I am not the OG owner.. in fact since we have owned this vehicle I have done a TON of required repairs and some for peace of mind..you might check the coil fuse has the correct size in it. I don't know if you're the original owner, but maybe someone stuck a 30amp where a 15 should go, or whatever is supposed to be in there. the lid should say what should be in it
freak accident forsure.. I'd just buy a used bank off ebay, hopefully the upper part of the plug is still in OK shape. maybe replace the spark plug just for the heck of it. I don't think a plug can cause that, but who knows forsure at this point.
Entire cooling system (now I am thinking of switching to electric fans because this AZ heat is overwhelming the cooling system even with it all brand new), exhaust manifolds, cats, throttle body, spark plugs/wires are all <1 year old. I also did shocks, front and rear wheel bearings, brake rotors and pads, head gaskets..
So the idea of someone putting an incorrect fuse in wouldn't surprise me at this point.. I will have to look
Ordering used set of coils from ebay linked above.. for ~$100 to get all 8 plus the harness/plug.. not too bad.