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      Chev7272 replied to the thread Driverside brake noise.
      Update on the brake noise. Only happens at low speed when coming to a stop . It turned out it was the wheel speed sensor. Easy fixed .
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      Hey Guys I'm have a slight issue with the front driverside brake noise. I just replaced the front hubs and rotors put everything back...
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      Chev7272 reacted to rockola1971's post in the thread Wheel hu. with Like Like.
      Halfshafts make their noise during turns. When you hit the brakes you are changing the loading on the front hub bearings. Just raise...
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      Chev7272 reacted to Doubeleive's post in the thread Wheel hu. with Like Like.
      you can just jack up the front and check the front hub, spin the wheel by hand and listen to it. grab it and see if it has any play at...
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      Chev7272 posted the thread Wheel hu. in Engine & Drivetrain.
      Have a 2001 yukon xl 5.3 slt no traction control . Have a humming/ whooshing noise coming from either the driver left or back not sure...
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