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      ckeister reacted to donjetman's post in the thread DOD delete but keep VVT? with Like Like.
      @ckeister at 196k miles for preventative maintenance I changed my cam position sensor recently. Did NOT need a relearn. replaced valley...
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      ckeister reacted to rdezs's post in the thread DOD delete but keep VVT? with Like Like.
      You can plug the oil pressure relief in the pan when deleting the AFM. It's there to protect the AFM solenoids in case your pressure...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      Yeah it will if I end up building from scratch........I am nerding out on this a bit cuz all this LS stuff is new to me.
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      Yeah thats the only thing I havnt checked but man those valley cover O-rings would have to be gushing to do what this thing is doing. It...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      No the mechanical guage and dash are pretty much the same at this point. Hot idle goes down to the top of the red after driving it 10...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      Nope changed that too (Delco) , and put in the deflector shield. Wanted to block it off but didn't know if I could with the VVT. I did...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      15-19 at at the pump with mechanical guage right now. I'm assuming the pressure on the original test was gummed up oil filter (original...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      Negative. New o-ring that came with the melling pick up tube. Put in the melling support on the o-ring bracket as well. VVT solenoid was...
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      Thanks posted a very detailed overview of what im dealing with on the other thread
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      That is part of my follow up plan. Im gonna keep driving it awhile maybe 1500 miles or so and send in an oil sample. I tossed the old...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      So here's how it has gone since purchase. After I noticed the oil pressure situation I did an immediate oil change with Amsoil 5-30 and...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      137K I don't have any ticking other than what sounds like injectors to me. Got a scan tool coming tomorrow so well see what the live...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      You know more than i about the subject. We have an unbelievable amount of shenannigans going on in our great state. We live in a county...
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      ckeister replied to the thread DOD delete but keep VVT?.
      Vlom is not flat, has the raised vein looking things so DOD soleniods are there. Production date sticker is worn off so dont know...
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      ckeister replied to the thread Intermittent oil pressure loss.
      Watching this thread as I have similar symptoms. But I have changed the oil pick up tube, o-ring, Melling HV oil pump, VVT...
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