Police issues!

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Feb 4, 2010
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theres no such thing as quotas for speeding tickets. its all probable cause. dont give them a reason to pull you over, its as easy as that. you gotta pay to play. my father was an officer for 22 years. ive been around law enforcement my entire life, and now i am following his footsteps.


Full Access Member
May 1, 2009
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theres no such thing as quotas for speeding tickets. its all probable cause. dont give them a reason to pull you over, its as easy as that. you gotta pay to play. my father was an officer for 22 years. ive been around law enforcement my entire life, and now i am following his footsteps.

yep thats usually the case, people ask me that all the time, just doin my job. Our State Patrol does have a quota though, although it is not a very high one.

And cops arent there to bother you. They check you if you have a infraction to find the bad guys. How do you suppose they should find the bad guys otherwise? If theres a call they try to get there before the suspect leaves. Otherwise it is stopping people for small stuff hopefuly to get bigger things


Mar 9, 2010
Reaction score
Plainville, CT
I don't know man, I'm with you on the warning. I also agree about standing up for yourself I always do. Ive been pulled over probably 15 times in the 6 years Ive been driving and have had some real assholes, but I have also met some great cops, and you are right by saying the bad ones just make all the rest look bad as well. I do know that here in CT Ive seen people pulled over for tires sticking out and the mudflap law does exist but it is one of the laws "MOST" cops over look. I'm sure we have all been pulled over for something stupid I know that I have been pulled over for having the wrong color tail light BY A COP TRAVELING THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION!!! I had red bulbs in but the sun faded 1/2 the bulb so it was pink. I will be honest if I notice a cop turning around I will try to run and have gotten away many times but I don't advise it. The best I can say is, BE HONEST, don't raise your voice, try to answer with yes sir/mam no sir/mam, and if you catch an opportunity to slip in a joke give it a try as long as its tasteful, in my experiences if you can get a cop to laugh you have a decent chance of getting a warning, also it never hurts to ask for one its worked for me like 3 times. They are out there to do their jobs, and just like bad cops give all cops bad names, bad civilians can give other civilians bad names too, I always try to be kind because a little kindness can go a long way. Sorry for rambling, that's just my 2 cents.


O.G. Black.
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
I was just telling you my one lousy encounter with police officers, they were game wardon officers btw. My only other run in with police officers were in Venice, FL. Speed trap, I just happened to be speeding. I know a lot of cops, most of them around here are great guys. I enjoy talking to them, and I respect them to the fullest extent.

But if I got NWA playin' **** the police in muh hoe then stay out muh way!


May 19, 2009
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Chicago, IL
i dont know why everyone is saying he should of watched his mouth...cops are just people, they just all think there the shit cause they hide behind there uniform...no offense to any cops on here but 8 out 10 cops are just wanna be tough guys..they were prob beat up in school so much and now there takin it back on everyone else

um, no.


2 Door Owners Club
Oct 21, 2009
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Tallahassee, FL.
So I'll give you folks a tip.

When I make a traffic stop, by the time I reach your door, I've already got a rhetorical question in mind to ask; meaning, a question that I already know the answer too.

If your cool, polite, and don't give me some lame ass excuse for something I see people do everyday, and all your paperwork is current and in order, I will more than likely let you go so long as your not a dick.

If you lie, downplay what you did, or play stupid, your getting cited. . .period!!

And if you have multiple citations on your driver's record when I pull your DMV record, nothing you do or say will change the fact that your getting a ticket because obviously you haven't learned you lesson, so why would I cut you a break now . . .

As for equipment violations, that is the highway patrols job to hammer you folks on those issues. To be honest, I could give two ***** if you don't have mudflaps. HOWEVER, if you look like a someone I might want to talk too for whatever reason, I will use your lack of mudflaps as probable cause for the stop so I could identify you.

I stopped a guy once with a lifted custom F-250. My intention was to get some face time because I didn't know who he was, I'd seen him in town before, and I wanted to ID him because lifted F-250's are a hot item to steal. Sometime we just want to get to know you, so if someone is driving your truck that isn't you, maybe we can catch them BEFORE it hits the chop shop.

But again, I'm in California so that's just the way we do law enforcement here and you area could vary.


Chief Knuckle Buster
Jun 16, 2009
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Greater Seattle
Don't be an idiot. If he wrote you the mud flap ticket in the first place, he thought you were a douchebag to begin with. Not saying you are, but he's the one writing the infractions. Furthermore, you'll never get out of a ticket by proving that others are breaking the law too. If you get a speeding ticket, you won't get out of it by saying that everyone else speeds too, unless the judge thinks you're hot. You have to prove a fault in the method of detection. If you get an excessive noise ticket, you aren't going to get out of it by proving that your sport bike is louder. You're only going to piss the judge off.

Perhaps you've learned your lesson in respect for authority? Even if the authority is a total ******....


Full Access Member
May 3, 2009
Reaction score
So I'll give you folks a tip.

When I make a traffic stop, by the time I reach your door, I've already got a rhetorical question in mind to ask; meaning, a question that I already know the answer too.

If your cool, polite, and don't give me some lame ass excuse for something I see people do everyday, and all your paperwork is current and in order, I will more than likely let you go so long as your not a dick.

If you lie, downplay what you did, or play stupid, your getting cited. . .period!!

And if you have multiple citations on your driver's record when I pull your DMV record, nothing you do or say will change the fact that your getting a ticket because obviously you haven't learned you lesson, so why would I cut you a break now . . .

As for equipment violations, that is the highway patrols job to hammer you folks on those issues. To be honest, I could give two ***** if you don't have mudflaps. HOWEVER, if you look like a someone I might want to talk too for whatever reason, I will use your lack of mudflaps as probable cause for the stop so I could identify you.

I stopped a guy once with a lifted custom F-250. My intention was to get some face time because I didn't know who he was, I'd seen him in town before, and I wanted to ID him because lifted F-250's are a hot item to steal. Sometime we just want to get to know you, so if someone is driving your truck that isn't you, maybe we can catch them BEFORE it hits the chop shop.

But again, I'm in California so that's just the way we do law enforcement here and you area could vary.
what part of nor cal are u from?


Full Access Member
Jul 27, 2009
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Since I started driving i've only have gotten stop by five cops and one of them stop me 8 times in 3 months in three different vehicles and all the times he stop me i was not rude until the last time.

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