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  1. C

    Vibrating/Grinding Noise from top of engine

    Just re-stumbled upon this thread while posting a new problem. For someone who may have the same problem now or down the road and stumble upon this thread: I replaced the throttle body due to getting an error code a couple months later while still trying to find this problem. The truck shut off...
  2. C

    Vibrating after Leveling Kit Install

    Puzzling question here, a while back (like two years) I installed a leveling kit on my 07 Tahoe LT RWD (just the spacers that go under the shocks). I noticed that over the past two years it sounds like something is vibrating/shaking when braking from about 35-25 mph and maybe getting worse. Only...
  3. C

    Vibrating/Grinding Noise from top of engine

    I took both off to check the belts and feel/spin pulleys and then reinstalled the main drive belt and ran it with AC belt off. Simply did not think to run it with both belts off briefly.
  4. C

    Vibrating/Grinding Noise from top of engine

    I will try running without belt on tomorrow and see, I have edited the post to include sound from YouTube, thanks!
  5. C

    Vibrating/Grinding Noise from top of engine

    I have an 07 Tahoe 5.3L V8, and about a month ago I started noticing a quiet noise when slowing down to a stop, when the engine returned to idle, for a brief second it sounded as though maybe a pulley was bad or AC clutch not disengaging all the way. As two weeks passed, it started lasting...

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