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  1. L

    Wobbly mirror.

    I haven't watched it all the way through yet, but this seems to be instructions for my issue.
  2. L

    Wobbly mirror.

    My drivers side mirror housing moves instead of staying put where it is supposed to. About an inch either way it seems. Any fix for this? Search only found me a fix for folding issues.
  3. L

    Hail damage

    HOA issues or I would have one.
  4. L

    Hail damage

    Safelite is here now replacing the windshield. Dents to come later. Huge backlog on body damage repair. Sometime in January for the two other cars to be repaired.
  5. L

    Hail damage

    Tahoe just made the Austin CBS news. Had footage of it for the story.
  6. L

    Hail damage

    We had some as big as my fist. Solid ice too. Not those wimpy kind! Everything is bigger in Texas, right?
  7. L

    Hail damage

    More! Some giant dents.
  8. L

    Hail damage

    Sounded like cannons when those things hit the windows. Had to gather the kids and get on the opposite side of the house. When those things hit the windows the tore through every thing. Screens, Double pane glass, blackout blinds and louvered blinds. Glass was flying everywhere! It also came...
  9. L

    Hail damage

    Round Rock. It doesn't have to look good to haul the boat. That was just a bonus. Glass will get fixed and some attempt at dent removal maybe, depends. Not the Tahoe as it is not covered by comprehensive. But you get an idea. 60 mph winds and 4" hail.
  10. L

    Hail damage

    Well the 2007 Tahoe I just bought battled a hail storm last night. Took it better than the other two cars but still a lot of damage. Los of glass and dents. Hail 4" in diameter with high winds and blowing horizontally. Still can haul the boat but won't look as nice anymore.
  11. L

    2013 GMC Yukon Denali - bad lifter?

    I thought they were 1,4,6,7 Lifters - AFM engines use special lifters for cylinders 1, 4, 6, and 7. They are taller and have special oil holes.
  12. L

    2013 GMC Yukon Denali - bad lifter?

    Sounds sort of like mine was. Stop running it and repair before it gets worse. Mine bent #4 intake pushrod but the cam and bearings were still good. Replaced just the pushrods and lifters and trays with original and runs very well now. OBDII AFM disabler in place now. Going to send the ECM in...
  13. L

    OBD tool that does ABS - Recommendations?

    Might try and see if anyone around you has one and will scan for you. Is there a local forum here for different localities?
  14. L

    Transmission selector cable

    Just did this on a 2013. Dorman part for $12. Just scooted under there and installed it. You have to make sure to get the part to snap in fully when inserting it into the cable and also when putting it back on the lever. If it pops off you didn't install it correctly. Didn't have to jack it up...
  15. L

    Lug nut wrench size?

    Not really. Started to strip when that size was used. Hence the question. All good now though. Impact 22mm works well.
  16. L

    Lug nut wrench size?

    Not a 22mm showing in any of that. Nice setup though if it works good. I have it covered now, I just didn't know if they were metric or not. Thanks everyone!
  17. L

    Stuck in Neutral

    Hero it is! Got there and checked it out and the cable was just hanging there. Easy peasy and on the road again.
  18. L

    Stuck in Neutral

    Daughter just reported this issue. Going to look at it this evening. Will take a grommet kit and some tools. Might just be a hero if this turns out to be it.
  19. L

    Rattle/grinding noise at 25-35 mph, mechanic told me AFM and lifters need to be changed.

    It will operate no differently than if it was in drive, other than when it upshifts it won't go into 6th gear. Oh and no V4 mode.
  20. L

    Rattle/grinding noise at 25-35 mph, mechanic told me AFM and lifters need to be changed.

    Most shops I checked with just wanted to swap engines. Dealer probably new others rebuilt or used. $8k plus. Reason I chose to rebuild myself. $2k beats that and I trust my work. Good luck with finding someone you can trust! I am no mechanic but managed my own. I have worked on cars before but...
  21. L

    Rattle/grinding noise at 25-35 mph, mechanic told me AFM and lifters need to be changed.

    You can drive in M but economy will drop some. The disabler isn't a fix all. It just stops the lifters from opening and closing all the time and keeps them locked all the time. If there is damage there is damage and wear will continue until it quits or fixed. I bought mine with a tick at a...
  22. L

    Lug nut wrench size?

  23. L

    Rattle/grinding noise at 25-35 mph, mechanic told me AFM and lifters need to be changed.

    Tried one of these instead of the range disabler. Works and doing the job for now. Going to send the ECU in soon to just turn it off and get rid of the Dongle.
  24. L

    Just bought a 2011 Tahoe z71

    Only if you want it bad enough. I went the route of finding one in very good condition with an engine tick. Got it for $3k and another $2k to replace the lifters and such. Very happy with what turned out!
  25. L

    Lug nut wrench size?

    Need to know what is the lug nut wrench size or the size of the lugnut where the wrech goes? Can't seem to find it here. 7/8ths? 22mm? Standard lugnuts that fit under the plastic cover.

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