Got the service manuals and they were a big help. Also found info on the Chevy forum. I have changed all the sensors and replaced the plug and diode for the clutch and plug for high pressure switch. The compressor will run now for about 5 sec an shut off for about the same period of time and...
Thanks for the information and the diagrams I replaced the high-pressure switch and have the other 2 on order. I’ll post what I find. went to get the downloads and it wanted me to download a game is that correct?
got a nother can and put it in have a solid 30 lbs now but have to power the clutch off the battery i have power at the switch on the acumilator and at the the switch mouted ontop of the compressor, but there is no power at the switch on the back of the compressor. I dont have a deacent wire...
When the compressor runs the pressure is 25lb at 65 ambient air temp and 60 when the compressor is off on the low side. The air temp at the vent is 49. Changed the accumulator and oriface tube. New condenser and evaporator. Didn’t flush
I just replaced the a/c pump on my 99 Tahoe. Used 8 oz pag150 and 2lb 134a the pump cycles on and off until the engine start to get warm then it will not stop running. Is there a sensor that is going bad and causing the pump to stop running?
Used contact cleaner and caned air. Lubed what I could see without tearing it into small pieces. Will. Sear h the net and seeing there is a diagram on it out there. Thanks
I there a way to find what the error on a 1999 remote cd player is. I put the disk in it sounds like it’s reading but ejects and shows error on the radio screen
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