truck stalled out buddy got out and hit the tank fired right up. 5 mins prior stalled out took 3 try’s jus to start back up fuel pump hopefully in by Saturday evening thanks guys be back in touch
She’ll idle all day long but no acceleration, but so im correct jus turn key to on position for 10 mins then off for 10 sec -1 minute the 10 sec I seen on google.
There is no longer 2 keys. Both was on same ring (stupidity on my part)
Do think there is a fuel problem? The Day the key was made she was outta gas. It should of cranked though still had 20 miles or so on her I supposed, could be wrong i should try a dealer. The guy that did the key said...
Sorry - But What would be the cause of my 03 Tahoe to start spitting and spudering after new key was made. On the dash appears to be anti - theft symbol with a picture of a car with a lock, picture is shown when key is turned to on position. It does not stay on when started Doesn’t wanna go...
Got a New key cut all of sudden truck started spitting spudering it was outta gas and I did crank it a couple times thinking it was enough gas days after won’t go over 3rpm turn off truck 3 times starts up stays strong for 10 mins then it’s like it holds it breath after new key made before start...
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