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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    You also can't make true either. Here's a statement I will stand by,,, You are a clueless moron, you like troll, and its freaking...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Did you bother to read past slide #4 ? They do talk about ways to increase power later on. Here's that slide, it even talks about...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Because that correlation is not there, that correlation only exists in your imagination. ..
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Look at the equation again, if you change ANY of the terms in either the blue or red boxes, then you are changing fuel flow assuming a...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Can you not read or are you just that dumb? It says nothing of the sort. It says power = efficiency x fuel flow. I even boxed the...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    If you are maintaining a given power level (like say that 70 hp cruising example) and change any of the terms in either the red or blue...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    UM, no , not even close. Lets review. Your linked power equation shows that power is equal to a bunch of efficiencies (slide of terms...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Wrong, that equation is using AFR to determine the amount of fuel added. Not exactly advanced math skills needed to figure that out...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    lol, Nope, just think about that for a minute. If driving along at 55mph takes say 70 hp to do, then either engine (the 5.3 or the 6.2)...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    I think maybe when you fixed the link you directed it to the wrong paper. Because nowhere in the paper you linked (the paper done by the...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to B-train's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    I would say that a 6.2L can get the same MPG because it's not working as hard to move the same mass. It's also true for the old 8.1L in...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Could you post a copy or screenshot of this equation? That way I can show you how you're mis-interpreting it , well, assuming even...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    OMG are you a moron. Throttle position alone does not, repeat not, decide what the AFR is all by itself, the PCM and its ability to...
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    Marky Dissod reacted to Antonm's post in the thread Bad mpg? with Like Like.
    Is this a statement you are willing to stand behind? Its totally wrong, but that hasn't stopped you before. If you put 10cc of fuel (or...
  • M
    Take a look through the thread below; I'm not sure if the mounting threads on the oil pressure sender are the same for these earlier...

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