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    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread 4WD to AWD Swap.
      I may get around to upgrading the CPVC pipe in there, still going fine though right now. 4auto is automatic 4wd. When you have that...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Saved from scrap.
      No a flashing check engine light means you have a catalyst damaging misfire. Basically you are sending raw fuel right into the cats...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread New member Arkansas.
      Welcome!! Another vote for Timken. That's all I've used on any vehicles for years, never had any issues.
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rearend upgrade.
      I think any of the bigger stuff was all leaf spring, where the tahoe is coil spring. Nothing is going to be bolt in. Sounds like you...
    • drdave81
      I have an LQ4, tuned from Blackbear and usually just run their 87/89 tune. They provide you with both an 87/89 tune and a 91+ tune. So...
    • drdave81
      It's not so much a power gain by running premium as a power loss by not running premium. As stated above, the PCM adjusts timing based...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread 06 Silverado Crew Cab Build.
      I pulled the switch and the TCCM out, with the battery disconnected, reconnected everything and no more "Service 4WD" message anymore...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rear main seal.
      Right, I meant without the alignment tool, the cover can move side to side and have the seal sitting offset left or right. And yes...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rear main seal.
      There are alignment tools for the front and rear covers. If the oil pan is off, you need to align the covers both up and down, as well...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rear main seal.
      Yes it is.
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rear main seal.
      The piece just sits inside the seal, there's no way it can align the cover. As you install it, the sleeve is pushed out, but the cover...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rear main seal.
      That's not an alignment tool. It's just to keep the seal surface intact. The alignment tool is usually aluminum. You remove the old...
    • drdave81
      drdave81 replied to the thread Rear main seal.
      Yep, if you didn't use the alignment tool, the trans is likely coming back out. Gonna have to redo it unfortunately.
    • drdave81
      People would rather steal a S cat Pack Charger than a 20 year old SUV lol. Just about as easy to steal too lol i had to edit how I...
    • drdave81
      Just FYI, if you have a light or a message on the cluster, you have a code. You need a scan tool that can read all modules on the...
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