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    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom replied to the thread Oil gauge.
      Former replaced distributor and wires. I topped oil off with a bottle of Lucas oil treatment. Check gauge flickered on idol. I think...
    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom reacted to SunlitComet's post in the thread 97 Tahoe oil pressure. with Like Like.
      who decided that old tahoes have low oil pressure?
    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom reacted to strutaeng's post in the thread Oil gauge with Like Like.
      Step 1: check with a mechanical pressure gauge. The instrument cluster readings aren't too accurate, they are more like: "low, medium...
    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom replied to the thread Oil gauge.
      I am in touch with one owner stated never had pressure issue until dash started to malfunction. So I will start with replacing cluster...
    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom reacted to Eman85's post in the thread Oil gauge with Like Like.
      Install a known good mechanical gauge to test, everything else is a guess.
    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom reacted to Joseph Garcia's post in the thread RPM matching radio static with Like Like.
      Yes it could be a grounding issue, but it could also mean that your alternator is beginning to fail. I doubt it is a ground within the...
    • 4myfreedom
      4myfreedom posted the thread Oil gauge in Engine & Drivetrain.
      My 1997 Tahoe 2 door 5.7 has wacky cluster but battery fuel temp and oil pressure work . Oil pressure would dip to zero at a stop making...
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